Venue for Global leaders

This web site is devoted to the linguistically talented kids studying in Gyeongnam Language Institute for the gifted. Some other contents are associated with my unforgettable memories studying in Canada. My students in Gifted Institute are all would be great leaders who will contribute to the benefit of people in all over the world. Their pictures and brief profiles are posted on the right side.

Monday, January 30, 2006

Canadian TEFL

Canadian teachers who would like to teach English abroad are consistently obsessed with securiy problem. As soon as new prime Minister's denial to new Palestine government was announced, their agony about choosing the future teaching country became much more hightened. Obviously, nobody would like to go to Iraq ,not to mention Palestine.
Here, for those who have that agony, I'd like to recommend a good country. "Korea"
It has no terrorism whatsoever. There are a lot of tourist haven for you to enjoy during the break.