Venue for Global leaders

This web site is devoted to the linguistically talented kids studying in Gyeongnam Language Institute for the gifted. Some other contents are associated with my unforgettable memories studying in Canada. My students in Gifted Institute are all would be great leaders who will contribute to the benefit of people in all over the world. Their pictures and brief profiles are posted on the right side.

Wednesday, February 15, 2006

My TESL friends ' Fabulous' Blog

Here is my TESL friends' home :
My Blog and Writing Teacher Frank
Indian author Danny and Italian-Canadian editor Paul.
Agnew Karl
Sarah Hie
Cute Bett Lindsey
Fencing Queen Nolting, Kathryn
Learn, Kimberly
Carter, Heather
Sakaguchi, Mari
Professor Taylor, Suzette
Queen Cherniak, Elizabeth
My lovely compatriot Choi, Yumi
Early pretty bird Fast, Laurie
Angel Terreberry, Gabriela


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