Venue for Global leaders

This web site is devoted to the linguistically talented kids studying in Gyeongnam Language Institute for the gifted. Some other contents are associated with my unforgettable memories studying in Canada. My students in Gifted Institute are all would be great leaders who will contribute to the benefit of people in all over the world. Their pictures and brief profiles are posted on the right side.

Tuesday, March 07, 2006

I have conqered Lake Erie by bike.

I think I am getting crazy in this stuffy TESL course.
Why should I be the victom of this F Strike ?"
Please anyone tell me. Why? I've been flown from the opposite hemisphere to study this course. With about 900 won per one CAD, I have paid more than 5,000 CAD for one term tuition. If I include residence fee, it's really huge. Now, what am I doing now?


Blogger Elizabeth said...

Hi Eung-tae,
I understand your frustration, and applaud your creativity. Biking and exploring our beautiful countryside... what a great way to learn and connect to the Great Spirit. Did you know that the shores of Lake Erie were sacred to the native North American indians? These tribes came here to spend the summer in very large encampments, with their extended tribal family. The bounty of Mother Earth was everywhere: a lake teeming with fish, fresh water and a natural waterway to travel by canoe to distant lands. Here they buried their dead and prayed to their ancestors and the Great Spirit. It makes sense to me that you would find this great Lake so beautiful and peaceful.
I hope to see you soon... I miss my classmates! Maybe you can visit our place by the Lake.

10:09 AM  
Blogger New EFL Experience said...

Thank you, Elizabeth!
I am sorry to say the word"conquer". Actually, I was so impressed by the beauty that I uttered such an irreverent word. Anyway, I'd like to visit someday again, when I'd like to be invited to drop by your house.
I wish to see all my classmates, especially, you! Until then, take care !

4:34 PM  

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