Venue for Global leaders

This web site is devoted to the linguistically talented kids studying in Gyeongnam Language Institute for the gifted. Some other contents are associated with my unforgettable memories studying in Canada. My students in Gifted Institute are all would be great leaders who will contribute to the benefit of people in all over the world. Their pictures and brief profiles are posted on the right side.

Wednesday, January 31, 2007

For the Gifted Students

All the gifted students.
I am very glad to talk to you. I am really shy to show my humble blog. But as you know , there is saying' Don't be afraid to talk and write in English. Since we are all non-native speakers of Enligh, we don't have to afraid to make errors.
From now on, I will post notices concerning assignments and others through this blog.
My whole point is letting you have a great blog focusing on UN cyber conference. So My blog also will be changed into that purpose. Here is UN WEB site for your reference.
See you soon.


Blogger Elizabeth said...

Hello Eung-tae and greetings from Canada!
I hope your students enjoy blogging. I have been updating my blog since our TESL course together - and you can visit it if you like:
I don't say very much, mostly pictures of activities with the students.
Best wishes to you!

5:51 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

How are you!
Yesterday, I felt uneasy. So I went to see a doctor.
The doctor said,
"You have enteritis."
After I came back home from Gimhae, I started to search the blog you made. It was so fantastic, that made me feel better.
I know that you love us very much.
I also thank you for all things you have done for us. Now, I'm ready to swim through your useful web sites.
Have a good time all day.
Dana Lee

4:15 AM  
Blogger Dahee Lee said...

It's me, Dahee.
The address of my old blog is too long to go or write.
so I moved to
Please come to my new blog.
I made it as pretty as I can. ^0^
May I ask you a question?
I found the blog's address which is below my picture in your blog is wrong.
Would you change it into THE NEW address?

12:45 AM  

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